Dr. Brenda Major Elected to the American Academy of Arts and Sciences

Dr. Major among four UCSB professors to be admitted to the American Academy of Arts and Sciences, an honor shared with previous fellows such as George Washington and Benjamin Franklin. 

April 18, 2019


"The academy is an independent research center convening leaders from across disciplines, professions and perspectives to address significant challenges. Founded by John Adams in 1780 during the American Revolution, the academy named luminaries such as George Washington and Benjamin Franklin among its first fellows. Since then, more than 13,000 individuals have been elected to academy membership, including Thomas Jefferson, John James Audubon, Willa Cather, Jonas Salk, Eudora Welty and Edward K. (Duke) Ellington.

'Our UC Santa Barbara community is so proud and thrilled to congratulate professors Alison Butler, José Cabezón, Brenda Major and Rachel Segalman on their election to the American Academy of Arts and Sciences, one of the oldest learned societies in the country,” said Chancellor Henry T. Yang. “This prestigious honor is a deeply meaningful recognition from their peers of their inspirational leadership in advancing research and scholarship, their dedication to teaching, and their commitment to making significant contributions to our society.'"